Two women holding football with eagle on it
Image of man in tan jacket with text welcome new LMS math teacherAndrew Bond is a recent graduate from SVSU, where he earned a bachelor's degree in mathematics. We asked, "Why did you decide to work in education?" His response, "The impact that the educators in my life had on me, inspired me to want to be a part of the future student's educational journey. Teaching allows me to give a love of learning to others." He lives in Fenton and has a dog named Stella. He loves running, music and gaming.
Students in pink shirts standing on risers holding certificates
Two women standing in library
LCS holiday break december 22 - january 2
Image of pine branches with text we wish you and your family peace, love & joy happy holidays and a happy new year
Red apple on stack of books with words "school choice"
Image of woman in grey sweather with text Welcome Karen Flannery Food Service Linden Middle SchoolKaren Flannery has a son and daughter and each of them has a son who attends Linden Community Schools and participate in sports. The youngest attends Hyatt Elementary School, which happens to be the school she graduated from! She chose to work in Linden because of the nostalgia... it is where she attended, her children, and now her grandchildren.
image of megaphone with text are you awesome? we are hiring.  Apply at
Faculty Follies Information
class on stage with a dog
image of eagle with text october 21 no school for students professional development day for staff
Information about Parent teacher Conferences
man holding football
Chromebook Insurance
4 girls and one boy standing
Woman in blue sweater with football